Where to begin?
Talk to your parents and coach, first. Decide together, whether it is worth continuing to invest a huge amount of time, work and resources to become a professional athlete?
If the answer is YES, then we wish you good luck and endurance!
If the answer is NO, then:
Since the number of athletic scholarships is limited, and there are a lot of athletes around the world, who want to receive them, do not postpone the decision for a long time! The recruiting process ideally should be initiated one year before the start of the school year in the USA. Actually, sooner we start, better results we can expect.
Receiving high athletic scholarship and enrolling in a good university in a nice location will be the result of your and our coordinated action!

nosedz mācību maksu, dzīvošanu, ēšanu un grāmatas. Tās var tikt piešķirtas sportistiem, kuri ir pabeiguši vidusskolu vai, kuri jau studē kādā vietējā universitātē un vēlas turpināt studijas ASV.